Pennsylvania Residency Reclassification Procedure

Generally, a student who comes to Pennsylvania primarily or solely for the purpose of pursuing their education will not be considered a Pennsylvania resident for tuition purposes. Because most Temple University students from other states come to Pennsylvania for the primary or sole purpose of attending Temple University (the University), one who initially enrolls as a non-resident will ordinarily continue to be so classified throughout their attendance at the University. A student in any college, school or division of the University will be classified as a Pennsylvania resident only if they have established a Pennsylvania domicile.

  1. A student may challenge their non-resident classification by submitting a completed Pennsylvania (PA) Residency Petition to the Office of the University Registrar. The petition should include a written statement of reasons in support of the student's claim for Pennsylvania domicile and supporting documentation. Each student will receive written notice of the decision on their petition. The notice will be sent to the student's TUmail account.
  2. The student may supplement the documentation requested in the PA Residency Petition with any other information the student deems pertinent to determining their residency status.
  3. A preliminary determination regarding a student's domicile will be made by the Admissions officer for the student's school/college. This determination is subject to review by the University's Residency Certification Officer, who may either approve or modify the preliminary determination. A student may appeal the Residency Certification Officer's denial of a reclassification by directing a written appeal to the University Residency Appeals Board (Appeals Board) within 30 calendar days from the date of the written notification of the Residency Certification Officer's decision. The appeal and any relevant documentation must be sent to the Office of the University Counsel by email. The student may request a hearing before the Appeals Board. The Appeals Board will notify the student of its decision in writing. The determination of the Appeals Board is final and constitutes an exhaustion of the student's appeal rights within the University.
  4. The effective date of a reclassification resulting from a student's challenge is determined by the date a completed residency petition is filed with the Office of the University Registrar. A petition will not be considered complete until appropriate documentation has been submitted. For petitions received for the term prior to the drop/add deadline and approved, the reclassification will be effective for that term. Otherwise, the reclassification will become effective for the next term.