Add or Replace Course

What does Add/Replace course mean?

Add/Replace refers to dropping one course and replacing it with a different course or the same course but a different section.

Applies to: Undergraduate, graduate, post-baccalaureate, and non-degree undergraduate level students

Professional level students (Dentistry, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy, Podiatric Medicine): Contact your advisor for assistance with registration


Students Without Active Registration Holds

To add/replace one or more course(s):

  1. Sign-in to TUportal.
  2. Click on the Student Tools tab.
  3. Click Register for Classes in the Registration channel to redirect to SSB9 Registration
  4. Select the term
  5. For the course to replace select "drop" from the dropdown menu, then "register" for the new course.

Note: The system will drop the course you want to replace, then the system will attempt to register (add) you in the new course. Both transactions are independent of each other.


Financial Delinquency Holds

Email the Office of the Bursar’s Credit and Collections Office at to request assistance temporarily lifting the hold to add/replace one or more course(s). Since all prior balances must be satisfied in-full to allow registration activity, there is no guarantee that a financial delinquency hold can be temporarily lifted.

Non-Financial Delinquency Hold

If youhave a non-financial hold but would like to add/replace one or more course(s), please contact your advisor or program coordinator.

Students Expectation

Students are expected:

  • To be knowledgeable and aware of their course requirements as indicated in their degree audit report (DARS).
  • To acknowledge that approval to add a course may be limited to available seats, instructor permission, and/or satisfactory completion of applicable pre-requisites.
  • To contact their advisor if they have questions about course requirements.


Relevant Information

Drop or withdrawal from a course.

Drop and withdrawal deadlines for each parts of term.

Discontinuing from courses policy section of the bulletin.

Tuition and fees section of the bulletin.